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Time Formats And Converters

Time Formats and Converters

Unix Timestamp, ISO 8601, and TIMESTAMP

The Unix Epoch: A Reference Point in Time

The Unix epoch, also known as Unix time or POSIX time, is the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight UTC/GMT on January 1, 1970. This timestamp serves as a common reference point for tracking time in many digital systems.

TIMESTAMP Data Type: Combining Date and Time

The TIMESTAMP data type is used in databases to represent values that include both date and time components. It has a range from January 1, 1970, to a maximum value that varies depending on the system.

ISO 8601: An International Standard for Date and Time

ISO 8601 is an internationally recognized standard that defines a specific format for representing dates and times. It ensures unambiguous communication of time-related information across different geographical locations.

Timestamp Converters: Translating Time Formats

To facilitate the conversion between different time formats, various online tools and libraries are available. These converters allow users to easily translate Unix timestamps, human-readable dates, and ISO 8601 strings back and forth.
